
By Kilian Vodka on the Rocks Concentratie Apa de Parfum Gramaj 4

By Kilian Vodka on the Rocks Concentratie Apa de Parfum Gramaj 4 x 7 5 ml

Parfumuri & Deodorante

Preț: 999.00 783.53 RON


Daca iti doresti un parfum exclusivist, cu adevarat deosebit Vodka on the Rocks by Kilian este un parfum irezistibil, cu o aroma unica ce te va insotii toata ziua. By Kilian Vodka on the Rocks, un parfum unisex de nisa, aromatic, lansat in anul 2014. Note varf: cardamom, aldehide, coriandru Note inima: lacramioare, trandafir, rubarba Note baza: ambroxan, mușchi de stejar, lemn de santal

By Kilian
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